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Prof. Bağcı on Assassination of Haniyeh and Its Broader Implications

Watch the segments from 1:15:30 to 1:20:40 and 1:30:00 to 1:38:40 and 1:42:55 to 1:45:00 for key insights from Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı.

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı Analyzes the Assassination of Hanniye and Its Broader Implications

On July 31, 2024, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı, co-founder of Ankara Global Advisory Group, shared his expert analysis on the assassination of a key Palestinian political figure, Hanniye, during the Habertürk Ana Haber program. Bağcı offered a deep, multifaceted perspective on the incident, connecting the dots between regional geopolitics, military technology, and international diplomacy. His insights shed light on the far-reaching consequences of this event, particularly for Israel, Palestine, Turkey, and the broader Middle East.

Key Insights from Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı

  1. Assassination as a Historical Strategy in Israeli-Palestinian Relations Prof. Dr. Bağcı contextualized Hanniye's assassination as part of a longstanding Israeli strategy, pointing out that Israel has a history of targeting Palestinian political leaders. Referencing past assassinations, such as that of Aziz Omar, Bağcı highlighted how this event fits into a broader pattern of Israel's tactics in managing its conflict with Palestinian factions. The key development, however, is the use of advanced technology like drones, with Israel leveraging artificial intelligence for precision and efficiency in such operations.

  2. The Role of Military Technology and AI in Modern Warfare A major focus of Bağcı's analysis was the technological dimension of the assassination, particularly Israel’s use of drones produced by the Elbit company. He emphasized the significant leap in military capability brought by artificial intelligence, enabling Israel to strike targets with unprecedented accuracy. This advancement, while giving Israel a strategic advantage, also poses complex ethical and political questions about the future of warfare, particularly in volatile regions like the Middle East.

  3. Netanyahu’s U.S. Backing and Strategic Calculations Bağcı linked the assassination to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the United States, where he secured strong backing from both President Biden and President-elect Trump. This diplomatic support, Bağcı argued, emboldened Netanyahu to act more decisively in the region, without fearing serious repercussions from neighboring Arab states or international bodies like the United Nations. Bağcı likened Netanyahu’s position to "a man wandering a village without a dog," facing little resistance from the Arab world.

  4. Shifting Regional Dynamics: The Role of Turkey and Iran One of Bağcı's most crucial observations was the shifting center of gravity in the Palestine-Israel conflict. He noted that Arab countries have largely remained silent, allowing non-Arab powers like Turkey and Iran to take more prominent roles in the issue. This shift, Bağcı warned, could create significant challenges for Turkey and Iran, especially in their relationships with NATO and the United States. He suggested that this development might push these countries into difficult diplomatic terrain, as they balance their stance on Palestine with their broader geopolitical interests.

  5. The Geopolitical Silence of Arab States Bağcı underscored the passive stance of Arab countries, which he believes has allowed Israel to act with impunity. He noted that the lack of response from major Arab nations, including those in the United Arab Emirates, represents a stark contrast to the more active positions taken by Turkey and Iran. This silence, according to Bağcı, signals a broader realignment in the region, where Arab states are more concerned with internal stability and economic ties with Israel than with the Palestinian cause.

  6. Russia and China’s Cautious Diplomacy Another key point in Bağcı's analysis was the diplomatic response from global powers like Russia and China. He explained that while both countries have condemned Israeli actions, they have stopped short of taking any meaningful political or military steps to counter Israel. Bağcı interpreted this as part of a larger geopolitical strategy, where Russia and China seek to maintain stable relationships with Israel and the United States, rather than becoming entangled in the Middle East conflict.

  7. The West’s Hypocrisy and Decline of International Morality In his concluding remarks, Bağcı reflected on the broader international implications of the event, particularly the erosion of what he called “international morality.” He criticized the West, particularly the United States and European Union, for their inconsistent responses to global conflicts, pointing out that while Western powers condemn certain actions, they continue to support Israel unconditionally. This, according to Bağcı, highlights a deeper hypocrisy in Western foreign policy, which undermines global efforts to establish a fair and just international order.

Conclusion: Uncertain and Volatile Future due to Troubling Trend of Increasing Militarization and Diplomatic Realignments

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı’s detailed analysis of the assassination of Hanniye presents a comprehensive view of the current geopolitical landscape in the Middle East. His insights point to a troubling trend of increasing militarization, diplomatic realignments, and the waning influence of traditional Arab powers in the Palestine-Israel conflict. As Turkey and Iran step into more active roles, and as the West’s moral authority continues to decline, the region faces an uncertain and potentially volatile future.

Ankara Global Advisory Group is proud to continue offering thought leadership on key international issues, ensuring that global decision-makers are equipped with the knowledge they need to navigate complex security dynamics.

For a more detailed analysis from Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı and the latest developments in international relations, continue following updates from Ankara Global Advisory Group.

July 30

Prof. Bağcı on Iran, Hezbollah and Turkey-Israel Relations

August 3

Prof. Bağcı on Geopolitical Aftermath of the Assassination of Haniyeh