Dr. Gülsüm AKBULUT

Co- Founder

Gülsüm Akbulut received her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Economics from the Middle East Technical University and her PhD in International Relations from the same university. She also holds a second Master's degree in International Politics from the Free University of Brussels. With more than 30 years of experience in public service, Akbulut worked as an economic counsellor at the Permanent Representation of Turkey to the EU in Brussels, as Director General of Economic Research at the Undersecretariat of the Turkish Treasury, and as Alternate Executive Director at the World Bank Group. After ending her career in the civil service in 2022, she taught courses in international relations and worked with various think tanks. In addition to assessing the Turkish economy in a regional and global context, she focuses on international monetary and financial issues and power dynamics. Akbulut specialises in the political economy perspective of macroeconomic policies, financial systems, trade, transport infrastructure and energy issues for developing countries. She is actively involved in national and international academic platforms and is co-founder of the Ankara Global Advisory Group, ANKUDA.


Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAĞCI


Prof. Dr. Hasan KAZDAĞLI