Prof. Dr. Gülgün Erdoğan TOSUN

Prof Dr Gülgün Erdoğan Tosun received her doctorate in political science from 9 Eylül University in 1998. She was the head of the Department of Journalism at the Faculty of Communication at Ege University. She has published several books, book chapters and articles and actively participated in international forums and conferences. Her notable works include "From the Democratisation Perspective: Relationship Between State and Civil Society" (2002), "The Search of Political Stability of Turkey" (co-authored with Tanju Tosun, 1999) and "Civil Society in Izmir" (2006).

Dr. Erdoğan Tosun has been involved in various projects with organisations such as UNICEF and the Regional Environment Center (REC Turkey), focusing on human rights, children’s rights in the media, NGOs, communication and public relations. Her research interests include democracy, human rights, civil society (NGOs), elections, political parties, political systems and electronic democracy. Her recent work includes studies on the political participation of party members in Turkey, the role of civil society in democratic consolidation and the impact of new communication technologies on civil society.


Prof. Dr. Hasan KAZDAĞLI


Prof. Dr. Tanju TOSUN