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Prof. Bağcı on Failed Ceasefire in Gaza and International Dynamics

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı Analyzes the Failed Ceasefire in Gaza and International Dynamics

On August 21, 2024, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı, co-founder of Ankara Global Advisory Group, shared his expert insights during the "Nedir Ne Değildir" program presented by Faruk Aksoy on Habertürk. The topic, "Failed Ceasefire in Gaza," focused on the geopolitical and international legal challenges surrounding the ongoing conflict in the region. Prof. Dr. Bağcı offered a deep analysis of the global implications, U.S. foreign policy, and the roles of key players in the international arena.

Key Insights from Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı:

  1. The Role of the U.S. in Ceasing Hostilities

    Prof. Dr. Bağcı highlighted the pivotal role of the United States in stopping the violence in Gaza. He explained that without U.S. support in the UN Security Council, any resolution would be vetoed, especially by Israel. He pointed out that the U.S. is unlikely to take decisive action until after the American elections, leaving the world in a state of passive observation as the conflict continues unchecked.

  2. U.S. Presidential Candidates' Silence on Gaza

    He critically analyzed the silence of U.S. presidential candidates, such as Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, on the Gaza situation. Bağcı emphasized that despite the severity of the ongoing massacre, this issue has been absent from the candidates' rhetoric, reflecting a calculated avoidance due to political complications, particularly regarding Netanyahu's influence.

  3. Failures of the International Legal and Political Systems

    Prof. Dr. Bağcı stressed the inadequacy of the current international legal and political frameworks in addressing conflicts like Gaza. He argued that the post-World War II structure, especially the UN system, is outdated and ineffective in resolving modern geopolitical crises. Bağcı called for a comprehensive overhaul of international institutions to adapt to the 21st-century conflict landscape.

  4. Netanyahu’s Unchecked Power

    Netanyahu, according to Bağcı, is acting with significant support from the U.S., giving him free rein in Gaza. He likened Netanyahu's behavior to that of a leader operating without constraint, pushing forward with his agenda while the international community remains indecisive.

  5. The Stalled Ceasefire Talks and Qatar's Role

    He discussed the failure of ceasefire talks held in Qatar, noting that both Israel and Hamas were unwilling to make concessions. Bağcı underlined that Qatar has provided a platform for negotiations, but without the trust and cooperation of both parties, no meaningful progress can be made.

  6. Broader Global Conflicts and Western Inaction

    Bağcı drew attention to the broader context of global conflict, noting that the international community, particularly Western powers like the U.S., UK, and France, remain largely inactive in the face of growing crises. He pointed to Sudan and other African conflicts, arguing that the world remains politically hostage to Israel’s actions and the U.S.'s unwillingness to intervene decisively.

  7. A New International Strategy Needed

    Finally, Prof. Dr. Bağcı argued for the necessity of a new global strategy, especially regarding U.S. relations with key regional players like Turkey. He suggested that Washington should reconsider its partnerships, particularly in light of Turkey's shifting alliances and growing ties with BRICS nations, a trend that could redefine Turkey's position in global geopolitics.

Conclusion: A Call for Reformed International Diplomacy

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı's incisive analysis underscores the urgent need for reform in international diplomacy and legal frameworks. His insights reveal the critical role the United States plays in shaping global responses to conflicts, such as the failed ceasefire in Gaza. Bağcı highlights the inadequacies of the current international system and the detrimental impact of political inaction and outdated strategies. To effectively address the Gaza crisis and similar global conflicts, there must be a concerted effort to overhaul diplomatic approaches, ensure equitable international engagement, and reassess strategic alliances. As the world watches, the call for a more robust and responsive global framework has never been clearer.

Ankara Global Advisory Group is proud to continue offering thought leadership on key international issues, ensuring that global decision-makers are equipped with the knowledge they need to navigate complex security dynamics.

For a more detailed analysis from Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı and the latest developments in international relations, continue following updates from Ankara Global Advisory Group.

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Prof. Bağcı on Turkey and Russo-American Competition in Syria

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